"Love never fails..."
I Corinthians 13:8

What is this?
#LoveStrong is a marriage enrichment weekend where couples will get to learn, grow, and cherish together. Whether you have been married for fifty days or fifty years, and all years in between; whether your marriage feels like a dream or a nightmare, #LoveStrong is for all couples.

Travis & Melody
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Eldred & Liset
Assistant Managerlklkljkjkdfkdjfkdsjfkdjkfjdskfjdksfjkdjfkdsjfkdsjfkdjsfkjdkfjdskfjskdjfkdsjfkdjsfkjdskfjsdfkjsdkfjkj

Raj & Anita
Programming Editor

Jamal and Floyann
Art Director

"Through yeses and nos, comes and goes, kisses or hisses, you shall always be Mr. and Mrs."
Diego Boquer